Lord of the Rings, as seen through the eyes of the Brothers Hildebrandt

Most everyone that spent time with me during grade school and beginning of high school knows what my favorite topic was. You guessed it: Lord of the Rings! I’m not as ardent now in my fandom, but still enjoy a good LOTR painting any day.

The two brothers, Greg and Tim Hildebrandt began their artistic career in 1959. Coined “Brothers Hildebrandt”, they illustrated science fiction and fantasy books, calendars, posters and trading cards. Some of their most famous projects include Star Wars posters, Marvel and DC Comics, Trans-Siberian Orchestra albums, Harry Potter oil paintings, and Lord of the Rings calendars. Greg still continues his work after the death of Tim, in 2006.

Though not my absolute favorite style of art, the Lord of the Rings calendar paintings bring such genuine simplicity, that I can’t help falling in love with them. The movies were quite a highlight, but there’s something to be said about illustrations. They still allow the viewer to use his imagination to complete the the whole picture. Enjoy!

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