Family Closet

Reblogged from Offbeat Home &Life

This was one of my many ideas that I came up with while fighting my sinus infection and flu. I would like to have a room in my house devoted exclusively to clothes, washing, ironing, and storing.

Lo and behold, after a little research I found that others had the same idea too! Here is one woman’s approach:


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Family closets are usually used by large families but you don’t have to have five or more kids to benefit from a family closet. Heck, you don’t even need to have a kid to enjoy the ease of keeping all the clean laundry in one place.

Our family is made up of two parents and two children (and two dogs and a cat). I refuse to carry clean laundry up the stairs and distribute clean clothes to several locations just for them to get dirty and need to be washed again. I can’t justify that effort when I don’t enjoy it and when there is an easier option, so we’ve set up our laundry room-adjacent family closet in a way that makes more sense.

its so easy

It’s not magazine-pretty but I love it!

Here’s how the closet works: the clothes are hanging on a hand rail hung from the ceiling with rope. I added some screws on the ends (perpendicular to the rail) to keep the hangers from sliding off.

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I always keep a tub easily accessible for outgrown clothes to donate. Tossing clothes into the tub here and there helps keep the clutter down, plus it makes getting ready for a clothing swap much simpler.

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We also have a reading nook in the family closet because you have to utilize all the space when your house is 700 square feet.

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It’s a little odd, but it works well for us — and is a huge timesaver for me!

One thought on “Family Closet

  1. I knew a large (homeschooling) family in Sonoma County who were planning for something like this, or had already started building it into their house…. their plan was for a large laundry/dressing room connecting with the boys’ bedroom (or dormitory!) on one side and the girls’ on the other. The children would keep all of their clothes in the room and dress in there, so that they could keep the bedrooms for sleeping only. Children taking naps would not be disturbed, or younger children with an earlier bedtime, by older children needing to change their clothes. And no carrying laundry back and forth!

    It’s nice to see how someone created this kind of space with what they had available. I guess you don’t have to be building your house from scratch to be creative and resourceful!


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