Sometimes Depression Happens

Everyone feels like the world is going to end, once in awhile. Either the weather is gloomy, my body is weary, or I lose my peace over something someone said to me. Whatever it is that troubles me, all I want to do is curl up in my bed and fall asleep so that I don’t have to actively deal with my thoughts. My opinion is that when things are going well in my life, the demons like to come along and stir things up. They don’t like the sight of good, and want to plant seeds of despair in my heart.

I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln:


It’s so true! It really is my choice to listen to those demons and negative thoughts, or to turn to thankfulness and joy. Sometimes, it’s difficult to turn the tide and move from despair to God. This is called unseen warfare. I’m not strong enough to fight this on my own. So, I came up with some reminders that I want to share on here. Maybe someone else will benefit?

When at home or out and about I try to remember:

1. Make the sign of Cross.


2. Say the Jesus prayer.

Jesus Prayer posterEmail

3. Take a short walk.


4. Drink a bit of water.


5. Stretch.


6. Drink Holy water.


7. Bless with Holy Oil.


8. Say Psalm 50 (51) frequently.


9. Do something for another person.


10. Sing or listen to joyful music.


11. Pray for others.


12. Eat a bit of protein.


13. Plan a short snooze. (this does not mean eating worms/hibernating) Perhaps take it in the sun.


14. Be thankful. There is always something to be thankful for.


15. Turn off phone for a few moments and breathe.


16. Before tuning off phone, find a good friend for a hug and a good heart to heart.


17. If you can, go to confession and communion.


This isn’t supposed to be a magic potion, but just a few thoughts for when everything seems to be falling apart. I’m actually not a very systematic person, but sometimes I need pictures and lists to help me out. I usually wait for inspiration and then move. Making the effort to start fighting depression is often the hardest step. Remember, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

I have faith that God sends grace.

3 thoughts on “Sometimes Depression Happens

  1. GretchenJoanna shared this and I am grateful she did….it is a lovely path to get on. Stand fast and seek the good and walk in the way and think on those things…yes, lovely.


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